Thursday, June 17, 2010


So here I am starting a blog in hopes of sharing our new adventures as a family of 3 with our friends and family. Here are some of my goals for the rest of the summer:
  • Write Porter's birth story
  • Print pictures and put in albums
  • Start Porters baby book and keep it updated
  • Organize "the messy room"
  • Paint our closet doors
  • Take regular walks with the baby
  • Run
  • Garden
  • Make pickles
  • Make wine
  • Go camping
Wish me luck!

Porter - 10 weeks old - Excited to use his new wagon!


  1. Sounds like some ambitious goals for the summer. I would love to read Porter's birth story. Enjoy all the time you get to spend with him now while you aren't working-he'll be all grown up before you know it!

  2. Hip, Hip Hooray! I am so proud of you for starting a blog. The goal should not be to update every week or even every month but just when you have time. Oh and I am looking forward to reading your birth story once you have it written. Good luck on keeping on top of this blog.

  3. Can't wait for your birth story! And I like reading your blog.. you are such a cute, happy family. :)
